
What is a newsgroup?
Setting up a connection to a news server
Receiving the list of newsgroups
Checking for new newsgroups
Checking for new articles in a newsgroup
Searching for a newsgroup
Subscribing or unsubscribing to a newsgroup
Viewing subscribed newsgroups only
Reading a news message
Sorting the news message list
Automating tasks for newsgroups using rules
Changing or deleting a newsgroup rule
Posting a message to a newsgroup
Posting a reply to a newsgroup
Replying by mail to the author of a news message

What is a newsgroup?

A newsgroup is a collection of messages posted by individuals to a news server. News servers are computers maintained by companies, groups and individuals, and can host thousands of newsgroups.

You can find newsgroups on practically any subject. Although some newsgroups are monitored, most are not, and messages can be posted and read by anyone who has access to that group.

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) must have a link to a news server for you to set up an account with that news server in Outlook Express. After you set up an account, you can read and post messages on newsgroups stored on that news server.

When you find a newsgroup you like, You can subscribe to it so that it is displayed in your Folder list. Then you don't have to scroll through the long list of newsgroups on the server to find what you want.

Related Topics
Receiving the list of newsgroups
Setting up a connection to a news server

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To set up a connection to a news server

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click News, and then click New Server.
  3. Type a name for the news server. This name will be used to identify the news server in the Folder list.
  4. Click OK. The news server appears on the News Servers menu and in the Server Name box.
  5. Type the server address.
  6. If your news server requires a name and password, select the This Server Requires Authentication check box, and then type your user name and password in their respective boxes.
  7. If you need to override the default NNTP port or specify additional header information to include in messages you post, click Advanced, type the required information, and then click OK.
  8. If you want to make this your default news account, click Make Default.


Related Topics
Removing or changing a news server account
Glossary (Internet service provider)
Glossary (NNTP host)
Setting up Outlook Express for multiple users

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To receive the list of newsgroups

  1. If you have not done so, set up a connection to a news server.
  2. In the Folder list, click a news server.
  3. If you don't receive a list of newsgroups automatically, choose Get Complete Newsgroup List from the View menu.
    The complete list of newsgroups appears on the right side of the window.

Related Topics
Checking for new newsgroups
Glossary (download)
Glossary (newsgroup)
Glossary (newsgroup list)
Searching for a newsgroup
Setting up a connection to a news server

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To check for new newsgroups

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.
  2. On the View menu, choose Get New Newsgroups.
    The list of new newsgroups appears in right side of the window.

Related Topics
Glossary (newsgroup)
Glossary (newsgroup list)
Receiving the list of newsgroups

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To check for new articles in a newsgroup

Related Topics
Glossary (newsgroup)
Glossary (newsgroup list)
Receiving the list of newsgroups

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To search for a newsgroup

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.
  2. In the Display Newsgroups Containing box, type the characters or words contained in the name of the newsgroup you are looking for. As you type, only the newsgroups that match what you type will be visible.
  3. To show the entire list of newsgroups again, delete the text you typed.

Related Topics
Checking for new newsgroups
Receiving the list of newsgroups

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To subscribe or unsubscribe to a newsgroup

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.
  2. If no newsgroups are displayed, choose Get Complete Newsgroup List on the View menu, or if you want to check for new newsgroups, choose Get New Newsgroups from the View menu.
  3. In the list of newsgroups, click a newsgroup, and then do one of the following:

Related Topics
Changing the display of newsgroups and IMAP folders
Glossary (subscribe)
Viewing subscribed newsgroups only

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To view subscribed newsgroups only

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server.
  2. On the View menu, choose Subscribed Only. A check mark appears beside the command when you are viewing subscribed newsgroups only. To view all newsgroups, choose Subscribed Only again to remove the check mark.

Related Topics
Changing the display of newsgroups and IMAP folders
Glossary (subscribe)
Subscribing or unsubscribing to a newsgroup

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To read a news message

  1. In the Folder list, click a news server, and then click the newsgroup that you want to read. Subscribed newsgroups are displayed in the Folder list.
  2. On the File menu, choose Open Newsgroup. A status window appears, showing the number of articles that are downloading. You can continue to perform other tasks while the news messages are downloaded to your machine.


Related Topics
Changing the number of messages to download
Receiving the list of newsgroups
Searching for a newsgroup
Setting up a connection to a news server
Sorting the news message list
Subscribing and unsubscribing from a newsgroup

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To sort the news message list

  1. Find a newsgroup you want to read and double-click it to view the articles.
  2. Click the column heading by which you want to sort.
  3. To switch between ascending and descending order, click the triangle that appears in the column heading.

Related Topic
Automating tasks for newsgroups using rules

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To automate tasks for newsgroups using rules

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Newsgroup Rules.
  2. Click the New Rule button on the toolbar.
  3. In the Rule Name box, type a name for the rule.
  4. Make sure that the Enabled check box is selected so that the rule will apply once you have finished creating it. You can turn off the rule later by clearing the Enabled check box.
  5. On the Newsgroup menu, choose an item, and then type the text that applies in the text box.
  6. Moving left to right, select a field from each of the menus below the Newsgroup menu.
  7. If you want to create a second or third criteria, select the check box beside the Criteria menus.
  8. From the Execute Actions If menu, specify when the rules should be applied.
  9. In the Actions area, select the action you would like to happen when a news message matches the criteria you set.

    Do Not Show Message Does not display the news messages that fit the criteria you set.
    Set Color Changes the color of the news messages that fit the criteria you set. To choose a color, click the color box.
    Mark As Read Marks the incoming news messages that fit the criteria you set as read.
    Download & File Message Downloads and moves the incoming news messages that fit the criteria you set to a folder. Select a folder from the menu.
    Run AppleScript Runs the selected AppleScript.

  10. Click OK.
  11. Outlook Express will perform the rule in the order displayed in the newsgroup rules list. Drag the rules to prioritize them.



Related Topics
Automating tasks for mail messages using rules
Changing or deleting a newsgroup rule
Glossary (rule)

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To change or delete a newsgroup rule

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Newsgroup Rules.
  2. Click a rule and then on the toolbar, do one of the following:

Related Topics
Automating tasks for mail messages using rules
Automating tasks for newsgroups using rules
Glossary (rules)

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To post a message to a newsgroup

  1. Find a newsgroup you want to post a message to, and double-click it.
  2. On the File menu, point to New and then choose News Message.
  3. In the CC box, type any additional contacts.
  4. In the Subject box, type a subject for a message.
  5. In the main part of the window, type your message.
  6. If you want to finish the message later, choose Save on the File menu to store the message in your Drafts folder.
  7. When you are finished, choose Post Message Now on the Message menu, or click the Post button on the toolbar. If you want to send the message at another time, click the Post Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox until you use the Send All, or Send & Receive commands, or during the scheduled Send & Receive as specified in Preferences.

Related Topics
Formatting a message with Auto Text Clean Up
Posting a reply to a newsgroup
Replying by mail to the author of a news message

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To post a reply to a newsgroup

  1. In the message list, click the news message to which you want to reply.
  2. On the Message menu, choose Reply To Newsgroup.
  3. In the main part of the window, type your message.
  4. If you want to finish the message later, choose Save on the File menu to store the message in your Drafts folder.
  5. When you are finished, choose Post Message Now on the Message menu. If you want to send the message at another time, click the Post Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox until you use the Send All, or Send & Receive commands, or during the scheduled Send & Receive as specified in Preferences.

Related Topics
Formatting a message with Auto Text Clean Up
Posting a message to a newsgroup
Replying by mail to the author of a news message

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To reply by mail to the author of a news message

  1. In the message list, select the news message to which you want to reply.
  2. On the Message menu, choose Reply To Author.
  3. In the Cc box, type any additional contacts.
  4. In the main part of the window, type your message.
  5. If you want to finish the message later, choose Save on the File menu to store the message in your Drafts folder.
  6. When you are finished, choose Send Message Now on the Message menu. If you want to send the message at another time, click the Post Later button on the message window toolbar. This will store the message in the Outbox until you use the Send All, or Send & Receive commands, or during the scheduled Send & Receive as specified in Preferences.

Related Topics
Formatting a message with Auto Text Clean Up
Posting a message to a newsgroup
Posting a reply to a newsgroup

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